It doesn’t have to be that way #2
At Differentiated, we don’t believe in “that’ll do”, or “good enough”. We believe everything we do should be crafted. Yet there are a lot of things we see, particularly within B2B marketing, that doesn’t seem to have been thought through and could be done in a different way.
In this series we’re going to take a look at the things we think could be done differently, or dare we say, in a better way?
In our second episode: a key reason why organisations lose bids is because of complacency, particularly if they are the incumbent. To avoid this, you need to assume you are a challenger brand at all times.
Within this episode we refer to The Matthew Effect, a topic I’ve covered in a previous blog post, take a look incase you missed it.
To also understand further about responding to bids, see more on Deal Based Marketing here.
Matt Neal,
Managing Director,